Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Urban Literature

I recently had a short dicussion among my pen sister and brothers on facebook about the redundancy of street literature. We were talking about how all of those types of books were starting to sound the same. I have to say that I totally agree with this. It's very rare that I state my opinion on anything because I never want to offend anyone. Though most street lit sound remotely the same, I can't say that every single one that I've read was good. I support my pen sisters/brothers in the urban fiction genre who love to write street lit, but it's very important to embrace different types of urban fiction, if that makes any sense.

Most readers are used to a certain writing style and are into anything Thuggish/Hood like and instantly reject anything they're not used to. The good news for those authors who write this type of style - their books sell. Bad news for those who don't write street lit - their books don't.

The problem is, a lot of us are afraid to say anything about it. Well, I know I'm like that and I'm honestly trying to change my way of thinking and it's only fair that our voices be heard. I don't want to start a riot or anything like that. But this could be quite discouraging for most of us. I have to admit, I have asked myself this question constantly - "Is this story even good?" "Should I start writing the way other people write since that's what most readers want?" Herein lies the problem.

If I try to write like anybody else, it won't come out right. It would seem forced and I'd end up with crappy work. In this industry I've learned that you should write what you want to write, not what other people or even publishers want you to write. Follow your own heart. It's hard. But in the middle of it all, you'll be glad you do. So what you didn't get as many positive reviews as you'd like because your work is different! There is going to be someone who loves your work. I say this from experience. I had reviewer say that when she read one of my books, she thought it was "fresh" and she loved it.

I thought I write about this because it's a constant battle with of all of us who choose to write something different from street literature. But this blog could be for anyone who's work is unique. Your day is coming, so stay encouraged.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Introducing Author Imani

I begin writing at the tender age of twelve. I used my imgination as a way to escape, and boy was it an imagination! But it wasn't until a few years ago did I have a desire to get my work published. As an avid reader, I saw what kind of reading material was trending and instead of keeping up with that, I wanted to bring something entirely different to the table. My first novel has drama on top of drama in it and this is the type of material most women like to read, but my second novel had a Romeo and Juliet type of theme, sort of. I'm starting to see that this isn't what people, especially the audience I'm writing for, are used to reading and it does get quite discouraging.

Don't get me wrong. I've received quite a few positive feedback on it. While most author's issues is receiving negative reviews, mine isn't.

Before I starting getting my work published, I vowed to myself that no matter how many or how few books I sell, I was going to keep writing because it's what I love to do. It is a lot easier said then done. Now only two books later, my reviews are minimum and my sales are pitiful and today has been the day where I just wanted to throw in the towel and give up. I started to second guess myself even though there's still plenty in me to write. I was worrying that what I was writing just isn't good enough.

I have support from my family and a few friends, but compared to other brand new authors, I was feeling alone. I keep telling myself over and over that everybody is not going to like what I write, and that's ok. I still firmly believe that. Sometimes, you have to give yourself a pep talk. I started this blog because I need to vent and I know that there are plenty of authors who are in my shoes. So it's comforting to know, I am not alone, even though I feel that way. If I don't vent, I go somewhere privately and cry. I'm supersensitive, but I feel like in this business, sometimes you have to have a thick skin. See, I feel better already.

I encourage everyone who read this blog as well as myself,  don't throw in the towel especially when you see those negative reviews. Use this as a growing method. Your next book will be better and the one after that, even better. To those of you who just seem like they're not making a single sale, your time is coming. Be patient a little longer. I'm not just talking because it's easy. It's not. I'm going through it too. So we'll face it together.